Hall Of Fame

The Hall of Fame was created to recognize individuals who have made extraordinary contributions and excelled in the sport of water skiing in the State of Florida. The purpose of the Hall is to honor and perpetuate the names of the skiers, pioneers, industry leaders and officials whose accomplishments have made a major impact on organized water skiing in Florida.

Inductions will generally take place annually for those elected into the Hall. There is no requirement that candidates be retired from the sport or deceased to be considered for inclusion in the Hall.

The Selection Process

As with any Hall of Fame selection process, it is recognized that every candidate will have different and unique resumes for consideration. The following criteria serve as guidelines only and are not intended to be all-inclusive.

General Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a U.S. citizen.
  • Resident of the State of Florida for at least ten (10) years. Water skiing accomplishments must have occurred during this residency.
  • No member of the Hall of Fame Selection Committee is eligible during his term on the Committee.
  • Generally, a minimum age of 45 is required for all inductees.  However, the Selection Committee may elect to waive this minimum requirement under extraordinary circumstances.


There are three main categories: Pioneer, Competitor and Official. Candidates are to be submitted, noting one category as the major area for selection while background in other areas will be included as secondary.

Eligibility For Pioneers

This category is intended for people whose contributions to the sport are considered to be original. New methods or technical developments by innovators/inventors are examples. Individuals whose qualifications relate to the introduction of a new or specific discipline should also be viewed under this category.

Eligibility For Competitive Skiers

The skier must have competed in a U.S. National Tournament (or U.S. Open Tournament) at least 5 years.

The nominee may be a three, two or one event skier and may have competed in any Sports Discipline.

The Committee will consider the following factors in voting for competitive skiers:

Major factors:

  • World, U.S. Open, National Records
  • Florida State Records
  • Sportsmanship and character

Minor factors:

  • Competitive record in “R” tournaments
  • Competitive record in Florida State Tournaments.
  • Service as any type of official, administrator or promoter of the sport.
  • Retirement from active competition is not a requirement.
  • Must have been a member of the Florida Water Ski Federation during the competitive years, unless the competitive period was prior to the formation of the FWSF in 1975.

Eligibility For Officials

  • A candidate will be recognized for major contributions to the sport over a considerable number of years.
  • Primary consideration is given to contributions to the sport as a USA-WS rated official, Sport Discipline officer or National Board or Committee member.
  • Secondary consideration is given to contributions as Regional councilman, Florida State officer, local club officer or chief official of a major tournament.
  • Additional consideration may be given to serving as tournament chairman of a major tournament, tournament announcer or water skiing writer or promoter.
  • Emphasis will be on overall, cumulative contribution to the sport.
  • Generally, 15 years of service to the sport at a local, national or international level is a minimum requirement for consideration. Length of service alone is not be a valid reason for consideration for selection into the Hall of Fame.
  • Retirement from active involvement in the sport is neither a requirement for nomination nor encouraged.
  • Posthumous awards are permitted.


Election Procedure

  • Nominations for induction into the Hall of Fame may be made by any member in good standing of the FWSF.
  • All nominations must be in writing.
  • Download form here.
  • Written rationale for any nomination must accompany each nomination.
  • Deadline for accepting nominations for the current year will be April 15.
  • Induction into the Hall of Fame will occur at the Florida State Championship banquet unless otherwise determined by the FWSF Board of Directors.
  • Appropriate research will be carried out by the Selection Committee to verify accomplishments.
  • The Selection Committee will vote by secret ballot on all nominees upon conclusion of appropriate research into each nominee’s qualifications.
  • Election requires a 2/3-majority vote of the Selection Committee.
  • Induction will be limited to a maximum of six (6) individuals the first year and a maximum of two (2) each year thereafter. If more than the maximum receive a 2/3-majority vote of the committee only the top scoring number will be elected as determined by secret ballot, using a forced ranking system whereby each committee member shall rank the nominees in descending order with the highest vote totals being inducted for that year. (Same system as used to elect appointed officials to the Southern Regionals).

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee will be comprised of a maximum of nine (9) active voting members of the Florida Water Ski Federation.

Committee members will serve for a term of three (3) years.

Committee shall be elected by the FWSF membership at the annual (State 3 event Tournament) Summer Meeting.

Chairman of the Selection Committee will be appointed by the FWSF President from the elected Committee members with approval of the FWSF Board of Directors.

Committee membership will be staggered so that no more than three members shall be elected in any one-year. The first year, three sets of members shall be elected:

  • Three members for a period of three years.
  • Three members for a period of two years.
  • Three members for a period of one year.

Committee members must be current members of the Florida Water Ski Federation.

Committee members must be at least 30 years of age.