Jr Development Clinic

We are very grateful to our new Jr Development Coordinator Aaron Larkin for getting another great clinic sanctioned for September 24th at Action/ Ski Fluid.

Our clinics are currently being funded by generous donations from our waterski community. We are on the lookout for new skiers, so please send them our way. We would like to get them started. We even have been sharing the water with a few show skiers at our clinics.

Click on the link to register today!

Record Setting Weekend at the 2023 Florida State Championships

We had another wonderful state tournament held by Kyle Eade at Ski Fluid. In total, we had 9 records set. Also, William Applegate was our big winner in the kids fishing tournament with a whopping 2.36 pound bass.  

Boys 4 : Slalom Jaeden Eade 1.5 @ 58kph/10.75 

Boys 4: Overall Jaeden Eade 3346.9

Girls 3: Slalom Kiersten Cawley 1@52 kph/12

Men 4: Tricks Randy Shoener 7010

Men 6: Slalom Tim Huston 2@55kph/10.75

Men 8: Tricks Bruce Kisler 2980

Men 9: Jump Dennis Longo 46/14.0 @ 48kph/5.0

Men 10: Slalom George Herzog 2 @ 49kph/18.25

Women 8: Tricks Leza Harrison 2360

2023 Tentative Tournament Schedule and Jr Development Clinics

The link below will open the 2022 Tentative tournament schedule that was prepared at the mid-winter meeting of the FWSF and revised in the days following. We look forward to seeing everyone back out on the water.


Our 2023 Jr Development Clinics:

1. March 11, 2023 in WPB

2. Regional Team Clinic – Sunset Lake/TBD March/April

3. National Team Clinic – Sunset Lake/TBD March

4. Summer Break – WPB/TBD

5. June 10th – Fluid/Aaron Larkin/Action

6. Sept 30th – Fluid/Aaron Larkin/Action

Do you want to get involved?

“To encourage the sport of waterskiing, promote interest, sponsor exhibitions and competitive meetings, and encourage development of proficiency and skill among its members, especially its youth.”

We have several ideas on how to jump start our ski season for 2023, but we need your help. We encourage all Federation members to contact us for a link to our zoom meeting that will be held on January, 21, 2023 at 10AM.    We need people to help us with the YouTube Channel and a Jr Achievement punch card for our kids. This event will be awesome because our guest speaker Marion Mathieu will share with us how she got involved in waterskiing.

Record Setting Weekend At 2022 Florida State Championships

The skiing at the 2022 Florida State Championships presented by Sunset Lakes this past weekend produced many record setting performances and personal bests for the competitors. Our thanks to the Travers family and the members of the Sunset Lakes Water Ski Club, for hosting a great tournament.

We had records set this past weekend by our competitors in several age divisions, but there were many PB’s set by our up and coming younger skiers:

Boys 4 Slalom – Jaeden Eade shattered the slalom record set in 2020 by Conner Pauley with a score of 2 buoys at 58kph on a 12m line, with a new record setting performance of 2.5 buoys at 58kph on the 11.25m line.

Boys 5 Tricks – Erick Macias-Sedan absolutely smashed one of the oldest trick records established in 1992 by Kyle Peterson with a score of 8460, with a new record setting performance of 10180 points.

Men 5 Tricks – Marc Bedsole smashed another one of our older trick records set by Randy Shoener in 2004 with a score of 4540, with a new record setting performance of 5580 points.

Women 8 Slalom – Leza Harrison smashed the record set by Margaret Carlisle in 2015 with a score of 3 at 49kph on the 14.25m line with a performance of 5 buoys at 49kph on the 13m line.

Women 8 Tricks – Leza Harrison smashed another one of our older trick records set by Thelma Salmas in 2008 with a score of 1850, with a new record setting performance of 2220 points.

Women 8 Overall – Leza Harrison also broke Thelma Salmas overall score of 2186.4 established in 2008 with an overall score of 3135.9.

Congratulations to all of these new record setters and to all of you that set new personal best performances, great job!

The list of all of the Florida State Championship records is posted in the Florida State Records tab at the top of the website.

The scorebook is posted in the results section of the website.